
how to install steam skins

How to download and install steam skins

Steam has always looked the same for a very long time. The default look gets boring very quickly. So let's see how we can install steam skins and make our steam look new and refreshing with our collection of best steam skins 2020. So how does this exactly work? Is there any risk to my steam account? How can I download steam skins for free?

Well, fear not. Steam actually supports custom themes and skins. So there is no risk to your steam account. Steam just does not show you how to install your own themes. Well, that's what we are here for:

Must read: 10 ways to get steam games for free legally

Let us show you how to install steam skins first, then you can check out our favorite steam skins.

How to install a steam skin on steam

1) Safe Method of Installing skins(Less Customization but no bugs):

  • Step 1: Download the steam customizer tool from their main site.
download steam skins
steam skins
  • Step 2: Install the steam customizer tool.
  • Step 3: Go to the community section and download the skins you want to install. You can click on the "explore" option to see more options in general.
  • steam skins library
    steam skins library
  • Step 4: Pick the skin you want from your downloads as shown below and install it.
install steam skins
steam skins downloaded
  • Step 5: Restart Steam. (After the install, the steam will auto-restart steam, just in case it does not happen you can restart it manually)
  • Step 6: Sit back and thank your lucky stars for being readers of Noobs2pro and making your steam beautiful.

The skin customizer community has way too many themes and the choices are neverending when it comes to skins. So rather than me selecting the themes. I recommend finding your personal favorites for 2020.

There are game skins:

There are anime skins:

There are also Cloud 9 skins:

There are Pokemon Skins:

2) Create your own steam skins

For those not yet satisfied you can also manually make your own custom skins from steam customizer:

Step 1: Go to the steam customizer page. Click on create skin as shown below:

create custom steam skins
custom steam skins

Step 2: You will get an editing panel to make and customize your own skin.

You need to edit as per your requirement. And you can use your own images as well try color combinations you like. I hope you enjoy steam skin making with the steam customizer.

Now there is one more method of installing custom themes and skins on steams. But I have found that they have not been updated for a while now. And that there are some minor bugs with it. Some themes themselves have major bugs as well. So here is the last step.

3) Direct Method of Installing steam skins (More Customization but some bugs depending on skin and theme):

  • Step 1: Download the steam skin files from the main site.
  • Step 2: Extract the downloaded files and copy the steam skins into your Steam skins folder in your Steam directory:
    • Windows:C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/skins
    • MAC OS X: Press Cmd+Shift+G in Finder and type~/Library/Application Support/Steam/Steam.AppBundle/Steam/Contents/MacOS/skins
    • Linux:~/.local/share/Steam/skins/
  • Step 3: Head to the Interface section of your Steam Settings as shown in the image below
steam skin install
Install steam skin
  • Step 4: Select the skin you want to install from the "select the skin you wish Steam to use" drop-down menu as shown below:
  • Step 5: Restart Steam to apply the skin.

Voila, you now have your own version of steam customized with your steam skin. I hope you found it easy to download and install Steam skins. Installing skins in Steam is easy these 3 steps. If you need any help then do comment below. We would be happy to help. Happy Gaming

See you in-game

how to install steam skins


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