
How To Send A Song Through Text On Iphone


How To Text A Song On iOS 10

The cool new features rolled out with iOS 10 this week know no bounds. You can send your friends and family bigger emoji, Digital Touch smooches, or heartbeats make everything more personal, and drawing on existing photographs to make a funny point is within your reach now. But texting is not the only arena modified by the new iPhone update — you can now learn how to text a song on iOS 10. No more grooving out to songs alone or asking 15 times for the name of a song your friend played one time at a party. It's all there, underneath your fingertips.

With Apple Music's integration into the texting screen, you can now message the songs you are listening to straight to your friends. For example: the first page that pops up after clicking on the Apple Music app is a customizable page with your entire library. You can choose what categories pop up right away — such as artists, playlists, and songs — and delete those you don't have use for. Declutter that app and make it work best for you!

But the two new additions to Apple Music that have gotten everyone talking is the ability to pull up song lyrics and sharing songs through text message. Below are all of the updates Apple Music has gotten with iOS 10.

Open Your Apple Music App

Open your apple music app and go to any playlist or song you feel like checking out.

Find Your Jam

Click and hold your finger on a song you are interested in sharing. Hold down until another screen pops up.

Find The Sharing Options

Now we get to the meat of the update! You can do a lot of things on this menu screen. Obviously the first thing you'll want to do is share this awesome song with everyone in your contacts. This can be done by simply pressing the "Share Song" button.

Decide How You Want To Share It

You'll be able to choose the method by which you share it. I prefer to text, but if you want to email it to your parents that is also an option. When you finally send the song, it will appear as a clickable link in the message section, like this.

You can also do something else really exciting with this new update — get lyrics for your favorite songs! Here's how the how to:

Go Back To The Sharing Options

You no longer have to go into Safari in order to look up lyrics to your favorite songs. Be aware that this doesn't work for all music on the app, but enough to be a very useful tool. All you do is go back to that menu from before and select "Lyrics".

Read Away!

Once again, Apple updates are making our lives easier and much more interactive. Karaoke night, anyone?

Images: Dasha Fayvinova/Bustle; Pexels

How To Send A Song Through Text On Iphone


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