
How To Make Money In Medical School

Written by: Corey Janoff

This post was originally published in December, 2019, and has since been revised and updated.

As a medical student, whatsoever extra cash you can bring in will become a long fashion.  You and your peers are all living on essentially zero income – educatee loans, scholarships, or parents are funding your schoolhouse and housing costs.   Beer coin is at a premium.  Simply in all seriousness, if you tin can bring in some extra cash, that will help go on your credit card balances to a minimum, pay for conferences, interviews/residency applications, and potentially reduce the corporeality of educatee loans you need to borrow.  This week we will look at 11 side hustles for med students who want to make money while in medical school.

Before we dive in, I understand that time is a limited commodity during these years (and every year from here on out).  Depending on the curriculum, specialty you are hoping to pursue, rotations, your need to written report, etc., some of these side hustles will be more feasible than others.   This list is also not absolute – there are endless ways to make some coin on the side from odd jobs and what not.   Tap into your skillset and see what y'all can brand of it.  Here is a list of jobs for medical students:

#ane. Tutoring

As a medical student, you are a highly qualified learner.  Almost people presume if you tin can go into medical school, you must be really smart and good at schoolhouse.  There is a huge need for tutors in this state and yous tin make a lot of coin doing it.  Y'all could make $100 or more an hour tutoring college kids on how to study for the MCATs.

Find local schools and libraries in your area and start advertising your services and what subjects you lot can tutor.  You could also tutor your beau classmates in your medical school!

You tin contract through an teaching visitor and they will connect you with people who are seeking tutors.  Information technology's all done online, and yous are (mostly) assured to go paid every bit these companies charge the pupils up front.  The education company acts as a middleman and the corporeality y'all receive volition likely be less than if you piece of work directly with someone.  However, you tin can set your availability and they will fill your schedule, which outsources a lot of the effort of getting customers.

I met with a gentleman once who started tutoring in medical school and it was so lucrative for him that he didn't fifty-fifty bother going to residency.  Subsequently he graduated medical schoolhouse, he started a tutoring visitor and now tutors pre-med and medical students full time.  He makes equally much money as many main care doctors out there and he doesn't accept to take call!

#ii. Piece of work as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

I know several people who worked as EMT'southward while in medical school.  One guy got a real thrill out of driving an ambulance!  This is a bang-up way to apply your noesis and gain experience.  Want to go into emergency medicine or trauma?  Working every bit an EMT is a practiced place to outset.

It is commonly beneficial to proceeds experience in a field that is like the 1 you are pursuing.  Also, you will gain an understanding of what the outset responders go through earlier the patients are brought to the hospital.

Like tutoring, hours can be somewhat flexible besides.  You volition likely need to commit to some sort of ready schedule, but it can exist built effectually your classes and rotations.

how to make money while in medical school

#iii. Phlebotomist

A phlebotomist is someone who draws blood.  No, you practise not demand to be a doctor or registered nurse in order to do this job.   You could work in the lab at your didactics infirmary or i nearby.

There is also an entire industry of mobile phlebotomists who travel to patients houses to draw blood.   This is primarily fueled by life and disability insurance companies needing blood and urine samples as part of their medical underwriting procedure.  Insurance companies want to make it as piece of cake as possible for potential policyholders to purchase a policy.  Rather than making the applicant trek downwards to the local hospital or lab to draw blood, they come to you.

Due to industry regulations, insurance companies need an contained party to exercise these blood draws.   There are a number of independent mobile phlebotomy companies that hire independent contractors to practice their exams.

You lot can gear up your schedule and decide what days/hours y'all want to piece of work.  The visitor you contract with will requite you a listing of names of people in your area that need blood draws and you coordinate with them a convenient fourth dimension to meet and consummate the examination/blood describe.  You are paid per exam, so you tin can exercise as many or as few as you want.   For a medical student, this can exist great, because you can work evenings, early mornings, and weekends, which is precisely when most people want to schedule their insurance exams, so they don't have to take time away from work.

#four. Medical Scribe

This 1 may not be quite every bit flexible equally some of the others, as y'all must shadow an attending physician effectually and have notes and enter them into the EMR's.  Y'all can only practise this during the hours the doctor is seeing patients, which may conflict with your schedule.  Also, the attending doctors may desire someone who can commit to the hours they are seeing patients.  If you tin find an attention whose schedule aligns well with yours, at least for a one-half-day a week, and then you lot may be in luck.

Many schools take built in days/hours for students to shadow doctors in practice, so this could be a fashion to kill two birds with i stone and make a couple bucks.

#five Medical Research Assistant

Odds are your medical school is part of an academic research institution.  There are many academic physicians engaging in research projects that they need assist with.  You could potentially piece of work with one of them as a research assistant and get paid to do and then.

Depending on the projection and the doctor in charge, hours could be flexible.  However, depending on the research project, it could exist pretty demanding, so yous'll want to figure out the necessary commitment ahead of fourth dimension.

#half-dozen Sell Your Body and Mind to Science

If you lot are unable to work every bit a research assistant, you could work equally the subject of said inquiry!  Many of these projects need volunteers they can poke and prod and whatnot and will compensate the volunteers for their time.   This can exist a bully way for a medical educatee to brand some actress cash on the side without having to commit to an ongoing work schedule.

#vii Donate Plasma/Sperm

When I was doing some light research for this post, donating plasma was one of the near common ways I found for how to make coin while in medical schoolhouse.  Some students go in twice a week and tin can make some decent money for the minimal effort.  It takes nigh an hr and a half and companies will pay between $20-fifty per donation.   That's a pretty good hourly wage for kick back and scrolling through Instagram or reading a volume.  Do that twice a week and you could brand several hundred dollars per month donating plasma!

For the men out in that location, you could also donate sperm.  As a future doctor, your sperm is worth more than the sperm from say, the guy who drives a garbage truck.  You could potentially make $500-one,000/calendar month if y'all practice information technology regularly.  Just avoid doing 23andMe and AncestryDNA unless y'all want to be continued with all of your biological offspring ane 24-hour interval.

Women could donate eggs, although that is a picayune more than invasive than sperm donations, yet you lot are compensated considerably more than.  A typical egg donation could fetch you effectually $10,000 – again, as a prospective dr., you can probable sell your eggs at a premium and potentially make more than that.  Some people volition pay up of $l,000 for those hereafter Doc eggs.

For the women out in that location who have already had a kid, you could consider beingness a surrogate.  Definitely not for everyone, but the average bounty for a first-time surrogate is $25,000.

#viii. Participate in Focus Groups or Surveys

Like to selling your trunk to science, you could be a guinea pig in a focus grouping.  Companies are gathering small groups of people every twenty-four hour period to ask them questions and brainstorm ideas for potential products they are working on.  If your interests, hobbies, profile, etc. meet the requirements, you could make a regular habit of participating in focus groups and brand some decent coin for your time.  It'due south not crazy to brand a couple hundred dollars for a few hours of time.

You could also complete online surveys.  Aforementioned criteria, if you fit the pecker of people a company is looking for, you can do a curt (or long) survey during your complimentary time and make some coin in the process.   You might get a $20 Amazon gift carte for completing a 15-infinitesimal survey.  You lot're not going to drop out of medical school and practice this full time, but it is a good way to make some quick cash.

how to make money as a medical student

#nine. Bulldoze for Uber/Lyft/GrubHub

This list is in no item order, but if it was, driving for Uber and Lyft should be placed towards the top.  Delivering nutrient via GrubHub, Postmates, UberEats, Door Dash, or one of the other food delivery services works too.  This is a great way to make some actress cash during your free time, literally any hour of the twenty-four hour period or night.  Yous control your schedule and decide when y'all desire to piece of work.  It is also a good way to come across new people, engage in fun conversation, and become to learn the streets of your urban center like the dorsum of your hand.

Assuming you have a car in medical school, y'all can turn on the Uber/Lyft/etc. apps whenever you experience like driving some people or food around to earn some extra money.

#10. Belongings Management/Landlord

Not certain why I added this i here, considering information technology is one of those jobs that probably requires yous to know someone or do some advance planning in club to land this position.   You lot could potentially live hire free and work equally the property director or landlord of the apartment complex you alive in.   Sure, you'll occasionally have to bargain with a broken appliance or clogged toilet, and you'll take to ensure people pay their hire on time.  But you may only have to "work" for a handful of hours per month and perhaps get a gratis place to live out of the deal.  Not too shabby.

#11. Traditional Pupil Side Gigs (Babysitting/Bartending/Waiting Tables)

There are plenty of other jobs you can undertake in while in medical school to bring in some extra coin.   Babysitting is an easy one and yous can report your textbooks after the kids are in bed.

Depending on coursework and the flexibility of the employer, you could potentially bartend or look tables ane or two nights a week.  This was less viable during the pandemic, but as places open more, there are more opportunities.

Yous could also do random things similar purchase stuff at Goodwill and sell them at a premium on Ebay.  I know someone who buys wearisome lawnmower blades, sharpens them up, and sells them for most ten times what he paid.  He does the same matter with old baseball game gloves.   He'll buy gloves at Goodwill for $2, cleans them upwards, puts some leather conditioner on them, makes them wait nicer and resells them for $xx-30.

You could work every bit a handyman.  All of those new students demand someone to help build their Ikea furniture when they move in freshman year.  If you're able to build stuff and ready things, yous could exist the get-to person in your class to hire when someone needs something taken care of.

The possibilities are endless.  Whatever extra money yous can bring in during medical school will help y'all scrape past during these intense years and help you go to the adjacent affiliate.

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